Endometriosis – Don’t suffer in silence

by Leah Lazuli
The battle with my periods started at the age of 11. I remember the day well curled up on the sofa with what seemed to me to be an extreme stomach ache while my mum was on the phone to the doctor. Each month I had to miss school for a couple of days as the pain was too much. The doctors solution was to put me onto the Cilest pill age 14 to ease the cramps. It worked the cramps were minimised and my acne cleared up to boot but what no one mentioned was the side effects… weight gain, depressive moods and vitamin B depletion. I decided at the age of 33 that I was going to go au natural and stop taking the pill as I much preferred my personality off the pill. I had experimented over the years but due to painful cramps had always gone back on it. That’s when my monthly hell started just mild cramping at first I guess due to the effects of stopping the pill but after a few months things really started to kick in. Horrendous mood swings, sweet cravings before my periods and then for two days pain lasting up to six hours at a time. I went to the doctors they told me that the pain I was suffering was normal and constantly sent me away. Every now and then they would send me for a transvaginal scan and occasionally there would be a small cyst and other times not but either way I just kept being told the pain was normal and there was nothing they could do that I should just take pain killers. It got to the point where I began to fear my periods, I was throwing up, passing out, finding comfort on the bathroom floor for hours. Occasionally I would call the ambulance because the pain and vomiting was so much. They used to come give me gas and air and morphine to relieve the pain (yes it was that bad) and they would take me to hospital releasing me hours later once the pain was relieved. Even with trips to the hospital the doctors still told me there was nothing they could do and when I mentioned endometriosis they kept telling me it was unlikely. When I was 37 my life quality had got so bad, I was severely depressed and the period symptoms were lasting for two weeks at a time. I begged the doctor for the pill but they refused me as I was over 35 and a smoker. My mum insisted that it was endometriosis and the doctor finally after all these years sent off to the hospital for a check. The wait was 6 months long and my monthly hospital visits were increasing. We looked into going private, having no money its not something we had looked at before, but the episodes were so intense it was literally ruining my life. Even my friend who came to visit me one day during a period told the ambulance crew “ I’ve given birth to four children and I didn’t suffer like that”. I’m terrified of operations and of being knocked out so we looked on line for endometriosis doctors. I decided to go to the queens hospital ( as I had heard of it) the operation was going to cost about five grand, it could have been two grand cheaper if we had gone to the alternate hospital (same surgeon) but I thought if I’m getting this done I’m doing it in style plus if the royal family go there it must be good. We met with a consultant who was very la di da who reassured me he had done the operation many times. He looked at my scans which now showed a 5cm cyst. I told him all my symptoms and he said he would check for endometriosis. At the hospital I had a private room, I was seen by the surgeon then the anaesthetist knocked me out rather quickly. I woke up after the operation bleary eyed stayed in there in peace for the afternoon and was discharged in the evening after some food. As operations go it was very pleasant experience the consultant surgeon came to see me afterwards and confirmed that In addition to the cyst he had removed a reasonable amount of endometriosis tissue which was even growing on my bladder! What I didn’t realise at the time was what an impact the operation would have on my life. My period came and went with zero pain. Yes that’s right Zero pain. I was in awe, was this what it was like for normal women? I thought it must be a fluke and next month I would have some pain but the next month came and the next and still zero pain! Its been two years and I feel like a women off a tampax ad laughing and enjoying life and not at the mercy of artificial hormones and the endometrious monster. This is where I got it done: https://www.kingedwardvii.co.uk/ by this guy https://www.kingedwardvii.co.uk/consultants/mr-alan-farthing Awesome. I recommend if you are suffering just go for it, whip out the credit cards like I did the debt is worth it for the quality of life I wish I had done it sooner instead of suffering in silence.

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