About Me
Yogdama London stands for Yoga Dance Martial Arts London and it’s a site to let you know what is out there and how you can reach your highest potential by doing activities that make you happy, fit and healthy.
I’m an avid procrastinator and I’m sure many people can relate to that, there’s not enough time in the day to exercise or you just feel too knackered. Its really tough to kick your bad habits and make positive changes especially if you are surrounded by a negative environment or people that don’t want the best for you.
Everyone in life has challenges that they need to overcome, some harder than others. Its a journey, we live, we love, we laugh, we lose, we cry, we stand alone. You just have to remember to get back up again, find your tribe and be kind.
I hope my site will inspire you to take up physical activity that’s good for your mind, body and spirit, whether you are just starting out or are already on your way.
I am not an expert at anything, but I love to research and share peoples wellness journeys especially as I am on one of my own. I strongly believe that mindful activities assist us with work rest and play and lead to a healthier happier you.
I battle with depression on a daily basis, sometimes I win, sometimes it wins, I find doing creative hobbies helps with this as well as exercise and being around nice people. I have bad habits to kick such as smoking, caffeine and Lazyitus but I will do it!
I love to help people where I can, bring out the best in people and motivate and inspire, this can be difficult when you feel down yourself at times but I try my best anyway.
I love animals and nature, laughing and pretty things (I’m not a magpie tho), I am trying to save up so I can maybe go on a holiday at some point and go on some mini trips.
I hope you enjoy my blog, Its fun to update it from time to time, it keeps me feeling positive and I hope you find it interesting and fun too!