About Me

About Me

My name is Leah Katrina and it’s my mission to one day set up a Centre devoted purely to Yoga dance and Martial Arts. I want to bring these activities together as they complement one another something I discovered through my own interests.

I’m not an expert in anything I simply enjoy these activities, a bit of Salsa one day, a yoga session another and I have a regular commitment as a black tag in Tae Kwon do a long term experiment in self-improvement and self-mastery (I’m not there yet!).

I am a qualified personal trainer, nutritionist & weight management specialist who smokes, drinks wine and eats cake not your typical advocate for health and fitness but I like to think everything in moderation has its place.

I’m also a bi-polar psychotic who has experienced the highest highs and the lowest lows complete with hallucinations, delusions and have had to start my life over on many occasions. c’est la vie but what I do know is these activities always help in my recovery and they will help you too and you don’t need a mental health problem to start 😊

Yogdama London stands for Yoga Dance Martial Arts London and it’s a site to let you know what is out there and how you can reach your highest potential both in activities and in life. I learnt many years ago that life unfolds for you when you are on the right frequency and I hope my site will put you on the path for extraordinary.