Not knowing is the universal language of frustration, for example not knowing when the bus will arrive, not knowing how long it will be until your plane takes off, not knowing if you will survive an operation or not knowing that special person’s thoughts about you.
Its literally enough to drive you crazy!
Sometimes however, not knowing can be an absolute godsend. The above you cannot control as it’s in the hands of others external to you, so you need to learn to relax about those types of things a bit.
Thankfully in London at least, the bus stops have computerized boards telling you when your bus will arrive, planes no comment they haven’t figured out that one yet, doctors are generally reassuring, and you can be direct with a partner and just ask.
You can at least have some control in minimizing the discomfort of not knowing.
These everyday life examples can cause a slight elevation in anxiety, but they will rarely end up in any situation that you won’t be about to cope with.
Stress is a leading cause of psychological and physical dis-being, your mind can literally make your body ill so it’s in your best interest to minimize unnecessary stress. A little bit of stress is good for you as it keeps you agile and motivated, but you do not need to take on the world’s woes, in fact to do so can lead to severe depression and other psychological impairments.
My Prescription? Live in a bubble!
Your own self-made universe where you are conscious of input and output of stressors.
Here are a few things you can try, you will find yourself much happier, I guarantee it!
Give up bad TV

Television programs are called ‘programs’ for a reason, they are literally programming your mind with their content and as humans we are visual creatures and learn by copying in the first instance.
TV is literally primed to get into your mind and although it can be an enjoyable way to spend the time on occasion you do not want it to take over your life.
You should also be aware of what content you are watching, if you are constantly flooding yourself with news programs, horror movies and dark thrillers then wonder why you feel stressed and anxious a lot of the time then you have your answer!
Try watching comedies, rom coms, the occasional action move and some good dramas and feel the negativity draining from your life.
The secret is moderation, you don’t really want to watch more than an hour a day. It’s just so easy to get home from your job and just flop in front of the TV.
You could try tidying your home, taking a class at a local college, taking up recreational sport basically living your own life rather than watching someone else’s.
These types of activities promote the right kind of stimulation for your body and mind. Sit down and think what you could be doing instead of watching TV and then go do it!
Doom Scrolling on social media

Social media scrolling is totally addictive, it can be really hard to prize yourself off of it once let’s say a cute cat video catches your eye. Before you know it, you have spent close to two hours watching a myriad of pointless things and the stuff you actually had to get done remains undone.
Personally, I do not have Facebook, why? I decided enough was enough, did I really have to see what my distant friends were eating for dinner or photos of their beautiful life travelling to distant lands when I could barely afford to eat? The answer was a resounding No!
Telling people, I don’t have Facebook was interesting, they looked at me like a freak of nature and at first, I felt like one but gradually I became happier in what I was doing for myself rather than what everyone else was doing and didn’t feel the need to keep up with Jones’.
I don’t hate social media, there’s lots of interesting content out there but I decided to have a purpose to consume its content and a time limit!
You can set a purpose for yourself, like you will only follow brands you absolutely love, people whose content you are fundamentally interested in or content related to your business. You can turn off notifications so that you are not constantly bugged and set a time limit like 15 minutes a day after work.
This will dial down your FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) response and rather than be bombarded with negative random content you can be selective like you would be in real life and claim back your personal power.
The News (Of Any Kind)

Oh OMG, this is the biggie! If you truly want to upgrade your life then stay off of the news, as a Bi-polar person with psychosis this is a huge one for me but even if you don’t have a severe mental disorder just watch your life blossom as you cut out all the negative crap that is thrown at you from the British and Global media.
You can stop all the news feeds on your mobile, disable your windows news slider and stop watching the news on TV. Don’t read free newspapers or paid ones and watch as invisible chains around your mind disintegrate. You will feel freer, happier and walk with a spring in your step as you focus on your everyday life and what is right in front of you.
Honestly, you think you need to know every terrible tragedy that is going on in the world but trust me, you don’t! People talk about mindfulness all the time and learning to live in the present moment, but few people actually do.
Negativity perpetuates negativity and there is nothing more negative than the news, it’s quite literally making you and everyone else sick and miserable. 90% of what is written is a load of rubbish anyway, reading a novel, a biography, a cool blog (Like this one haha) or some kind of learning material for a new hobby is a way better use for your time.
You will feel less anxious, more alert, your happiness levels will go up, you will feel more motivated to do all those projects you have been putting off and way less tired and weary rather than feeling beaten up by the collective consciousness.
I dare you to put the above into practice, raise your own vibration and when people ask you what you are doing, tell them so they can do the same, lets raise this planets vibration one person at a time! Live in a happy bubble!
If you enjoyed this post or are enjoying my site, please consider buying me a coffee to help raise the vibration of the world!